{ "responseHeader":{ "status":0, "QTime":1, "params":{ "q":"*:*", "indent":"on", "start":"0", "fq":"owner:* AND ispartof:\"o:295028\" AND -isinadminset:\"phaidra:utheses.univie.ac.at\" AND -hassuccessor:* AND -ismemberof:[\"\" TO *]", "rows":"32", "wt":"json"}}, "response":{"numFound":32,"start":0,"numFoundExact":true,"docs":[ { "_updated":[1.679533685E9], "bib_roles_pers_aut":["Thomas Severiens"], "cmodel":"PDFDocument", "created":"2013-07-09T13:46:15.917Z", "datastreams":["DC_OAI", "UWMETADATA", "RELS-EXT", "AUDIT", "OCTETS", "TECHINFO", "STYLESHEET", "THUMBNAIL", "DC_P", "DC"], "dc_creator":["Severiens, Thomas"], "dc_description":["Preservation of \"Primary Data\" is of very high relevance in science. While letter publications become redundant by review publications over the years, and while review articles are remembered by many readers, primary data often can not be reconstructed. Primary data as there is e.g. weather data, accelerator data, space observation data, build the backbone of scientific research and publication activities. It is essentially required to reconstruct experiments, to recalculate final results in scientific publications and to check their correctness. The existence of primary data makes the difference between fiction and science. Primary data often is open for re-usage in other research activities, e.g. measurement of the radius of the proton at CERN. This talk will offer an overview of the relevance of primary data in natural science, of its preservation requirements, and how it is preserved today."], "dc_description_eng":["Preservation of \"Primary Data\" is of very high relevance in science. While letter publications become redundant by review publications over the years, and while review articles are remembered by many readers, primary data often can not be reconstructed. Primary data as there is e.g. weather data, accelerator data, space observation data, build the backbone of scientific research and publication activities. It is essentially required to reconstruct experiments, to recalculate final results in scientific publications and to check their correctness. The existence of primary data makes the difference between fiction and science. Primary data often is open for re-usage in other research activities, e.g. measurement of the radius of the proton at CERN. This talk will offer an overview of the relevance of primary data in natural science, of its preservation requirements, and how it is preserved today."], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.295002", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:295002"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["Preservation of Scientific Data (in Natural Sciences): Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["Preservation of Scientific Data (in Natural Sciences): Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:19:57.570Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:295002", "resourcetype":"text", "size":958776.0, "title_suggest":["Preservation of Scientific Data (in Natural Sciences): Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "Preservation of Scientific Data (in Natural Sciences): Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "uwm_roles_json":["[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"entities\":[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"firstname\":\"Thomas\",\"lastname\":\"Severiens\"}],\"role\":\"aut\"}]"], "language":"", "tcreated":["2013-07-09T13:46:15.917Z"], "_version_":1761118714018660352, "ispartof":["o:168770", "o:295028", "o:424738"], "sort_eng_dc_title":"Preservation of Scientific Data (in Natural Sciences): Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "sort_dc_title":"Preservation of Scientific Data (in Natural Sciences): Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "tsize":[958776.0], "tmodified":["2017-03-02T02:19:57.570Z"]}, { "_updated":[1.679533686E9], "bib_roles_pers_aut":["Hilde van Wijngaarden"], "cmodel":"PDFDocument", "created":"2013-07-09T13:19:05.102Z", "datastreams":["TECHINFO", "STYLESHEET", "AUDIT", "OCTETS", "UWMETADATA", "DC_OAI", "RELS-EXT", "DC_P", "DC", "THUMBNAIL"], "dc_creator":["van Wijngaarden, Hilde"], "dc_description":["As a deposit library, the National Library of the Netherlands (KB) was faced with having to store digital publications already more than ten years ago. As the number of digital publications was growing, the KB decided to make digital preservation one of its main concerns. This resulted, among other things, in an operational digital archive (the e-Depot) and projects to develop preservation functionality. In this presentation two projects will be explained in more detail: the Preservation Manager, a tool for the monitoring of technical metadata, and the Universal Virtual Computer for JPEG. This UVC is a new approach for the rendering of digital objects, without depending on current platforms or formats. Together with IBM, we developed a first working UVC, which will be demonstrated."], "dc_description_eng":["As a deposit library, the National Library of the Netherlands (KB) was faced with having to store digital publications already more than ten years ago. As the number of digital publications was growing, the KB decided to make digital preservation one of its main concerns. This resulted, among other things, in an operational digital archive (the e-Depot) and projects to develop preservation functionality. In this presentation two projects will be explained in more detail: the Preservation Manager, a tool for the monitoring of technical metadata, and the Universal Virtual Computer for JPEG. This UVC is a new approach for the rendering of digital objects, without depending on current platforms or formats. Together with IBM, we developed a first working UVC, which will be demonstrated."], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.294996", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:294996"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["Preservation Strategies of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["Preservation Strategies of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:20:30.128Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:294996", "resourcetype":"text", "size":226762.0, "title_suggest":["Preservation Strategies of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "Preservation Strategies of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "uwm_roles_json":["[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"entities\":[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"firstname\":\"Hilde\",\"lastname\":\"van Wijngaarden\"}],\"role\":\"aut\"}]"], "language":"", "tcreated":["2013-07-09T13:19:05.102Z"], "_version_":1761118714438090752, "ispartof":["o:168770", "o:295028", "o:424738"], "sort_eng_dc_title":"Preservation Strategies of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "sort_dc_title":"Preservation Strategies of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "tsize":[226762.0], "tmodified":["2017-03-02T02:20:30.128Z"]}, { "_updated":[1.679533686E9], "bib_roles_pers_aut":["Andreas Aschenbrenner"], "cmodel":"PDFDocument", "created":"2013-07-09T13:27:24.312Z", "datastreams":["STYLESHEET", "TECHINFO", "OCTETS", "AUDIT", "RELS-EXT", "UWMETADATA", "DC_OAI", "DC", "DC_P", "THUMBNAIL"], "dc_creator":["Aschenbrenner, Andreas"], "dc_description":["The notion \"significant properties\" in digital preservation can be paraphrased as the features of digital objects that need to be preserved. The definition of significant properties at the inception of a digital preservation programme will guide an organisation in choosing the preservation method suited for their specific requirements. However, the definition of significant properties and the preservation of the object are constrained by a file format's inherent features. The presentation introduces the notions 'file format features' and 'significant properties', discusses their relation and discusses their role in a successful long-term preservation effort."], "dc_description_eng":["The notion \"significant properties\" in digital preservation can be paraphrased as the features of digital objects that need to be preserved. The definition of significant properties at the inception of a digital preservation programme will guide an organisation in choosing the preservation method suited for their specific requirements. However, the definition of significant properties and the preservation of the object are constrained by a file format's inherent features. The presentation introduces the notions 'file format features' and 'significant properties', discusses their relation and discusses their role in a successful long-term preservation effort."], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.294998", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:294998"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["File Format Features and Significant Properties: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["File Format Features and Significant Properties: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:20:21.958Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:294998", "resourcetype":"text", "size":468757.0, "title_suggest":["File Format Features and Significant Properties: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "File Format Features and Significant Properties: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "uwm_roles_json":["[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"entities\":[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"firstname\":\"Andreas\",\"lastname\":\"Aschenbrenner\"}],\"role\":\"aut\"}]"], "language":"", "tcreated":["2013-07-09T13:27:24.312Z"], "_version_":1761118714623688704, "ispartof":["o:168770", "o:295028", "o:424738"], "sort_eng_dc_title":"File Format Features and Significant Properties: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "sort_dc_title":"File Format Features and Significant Properties: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "tsize":[468757.0], "tmodified":["2017-03-02T02:20:21.958Z"]}, { "_updated":[1.679533686E9], "bib_roles_pers_aut":["René van Horik"], "cmodel":"PDFDocument", "created":"2013-07-09T13:31:38.271Z", "datastreams":["STYLESHEET", "TECHINFO", "OCTETS", "AUDIT", "RELS-EXT", "UWMETADATA", "DC_OAI", "DC", "DC_P", "THUMBNAIL"], "dc_creator":["van Horik, René"], "dc_description":["x"], "dc_description_eng":["x"], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.294999", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:294999"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["Preservation of image documents: Theory & Case Study: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["Preservation of image documents: Theory & Case Study: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:20:17.961Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:294999", "resourcetype":"text", "size":633582.0, "title_suggest":["Preservation of image documents: Theory & Case Study: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "Preservation of image documents: Theory & Case Study: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "uwm_roles_json":["[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"entities\":[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"firstname\":\"René\",\"lastname\":\"van Horik\"}],\"role\":\"aut\"}]"], "language":"", "tcreated":["2013-07-09T13:31:38.271Z"], "_version_":1761118715086110720, "ispartof":["o:168770", "o:295028", "o:424738"], "sort_eng_dc_title":"Preservation of image documents: Theory & Case Study: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "sort_dc_title":"Preservation of image documents: Theory & Case Study: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "tsize":[633582.0], "tmodified":["2017-03-02T02:20:17.961Z"]}, { "_updated":[1.679533686E9], "bib_roles_pers_aut":["Reinhard Altenhöner"], "cmodel":"PDFDocument", "created":"2013-07-09T13:10:01.636Z", "datastreams":["RELS-EXT", "DC_OAI", "UWMETADATA", "OCTETS", "AUDIT", "STYLESHEET", "TECHINFO", "THUMBNAIL", "DC", "DC_P"], "dc_creator":["Altenhöner, Reinhard"], "dc_description":["x"], "dc_description_eng":["x"], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.294993", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:294993"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["General Introduction: Technological Issues: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["General Introduction: Technological Issues: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:20:38.582Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:294993", "resourcetype":"text", "size":651023.0, "title_suggest":["General Introduction: Technological Issues: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "General Introduction: Technological Issues: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "uwm_roles_json":["[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"entities\":[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"firstname\":\"Reinhard\",\"lastname\":\"Altenhöner\"}],\"role\":\"aut\"}]"], "language":"", "tcreated":["2013-07-09T13:10:01.636Z"], "_version_":1761118714844938240, "ispartof":["o:168770", "o:295028", "o:424738"], "sort_eng_dc_title":"General Introduction: Technological Issues: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "sort_dc_title":"General Introduction: Technological Issues: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "tsize":[651023.0], "tmodified":["2017-03-02T02:20:38.582Z"]}, { "_updated":[1.679533685E9], "bib_roles_pers_aut":["Neil Beagrie"], "cmodel":"PDFDocument", "created":"2013-07-09T13:38:07.505Z", "datastreams":["DC_P", "DC", "THUMBNAIL", "AUDIT", "OCTETS", "UWMETADATA", "DC_OAI", "RELS-EXT", "TECHINFO", "STYLESHEET"], "dc_creator":["Beagrie, Neil"], "dc_description":["x"], "dc_description_eng":["x"], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.295000", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:295000"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["Digital Preservation, e-journals and e-prints: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["Digital Preservation, e-journals and e-prints: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:20:05.654Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:295000", "resourcetype":"text", "size":175446.0, "title_suggest":["Digital Preservation, e-journals and e-prints: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "Digital Preservation, e-journals and e-prints: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "uwm_roles_json":["[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"entities\":[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"firstname\":\"Neil\",\"lastname\":\"Beagrie\"}],\"role\":\"aut\"}]"], "language":"", "tcreated":["2013-07-09T13:38:07.505Z"], "_version_":1761118714231521280, "ispartof":["o:168770", "o:295028", "o:424738"], "sort_eng_dc_title":"Digital Preservation, e-journals and e-prints: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "sort_dc_title":"Digital Preservation, e-journals and e-prints: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "tsize":[175446.0], "tmodified":["2017-03-02T02:20:05.654Z"]}, { "_updated":[1.679533684E9], "bib_roles_pers_aut":["Hilde van Wijngaarden"], "cmodel":"PDFDocument", "created":"2013-07-09T13:14:10.832Z", "datastreams":["OCTETS", "AUDIT", "RELS-EXT", "UWMETADATA", "DC_OAI", "STYLESHEET", "TECHINFO", "DC", "DC_P", "THUMBNAIL"], "dc_creator":["van Wijngaarden, Hilde"], "dc_description":["Digital preservation consists of three subjects: safe storage, preservation metadata and permanent access. First we have to make sure digital objects are stored on secure storage media and are maintained by proper procedures for safety, back-up and refreshment. In order to be able to retrieve the stored objects, we have to register information on the objects in preservation metadata and work on the technical possibilities to render the stored objects, now and in the future. To work on permanent access solutions, a number of questions have to be answered about what it is we want to view and use in the future. Different strategies can be deployed, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. In this presentation these strategies will be explained and linked to their intended use and their possibilities, including examples. Apart from existing strategies, new procedures and especially tools will have to be tested and developed to keep our digital archives accessible. Research and development on permanent access requires continuous effort and internation co-operation."], "dc_description_eng":["Digital preservation consists of three subjects: safe storage, preservation metadata and permanent access. First we have to make sure digital objects are stored on secure storage media and are maintained by proper procedures for safety, back-up and refreshment. In order to be able to retrieve the stored objects, we have to register information on the objects in preservation metadata and work on the technical possibilities to render the stored objects, now and in the future. To work on permanent access solutions, a number of questions have to be answered about what it is we want to view and use in the future. Different strategies can be deployed, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. In this presentation these strategies will be explained and linked to their intended use and their possibilities, including examples. Apart from existing strategies, new procedures and especially tools will have to be tested and developed to keep our digital archives accessible. Research and development on permanent access requires continuous effort and internation co-operation."], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.294994", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:294994"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["Different approaches to digital preservation: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["Different approaches to digital preservation: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:20:34.439Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:294994", "resourcetype":"text", "size":67753.0, "title_suggest":["Different approaches to digital preservation: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "Different approaches to digital preservation: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "uwm_roles_json":["[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"entities\":[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"firstname\":\"Hilde\",\"lastname\":\"van Wijngaarden\"}],\"role\":\"aut\"}]"], "language":"", "tcreated":["2013-07-09T13:14:10.832Z"], "_version_":1761118712937578496, "ispartof":["o:168770", "o:295028", "o:424738"], "sort_eng_dc_title":"Different approaches to digital preservation: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "sort_dc_title":"Different approaches to digital preservation: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "tsize":[67753.0], "tmodified":["2017-03-02T02:20:34.439Z"]}, { "_updated":[1.679533684E9], "bib_roles_pers_aut":["Hilde van Wijngaarden"], "cmodel":"PDFDocument", "created":"2013-07-09T13:42:29.921Z", "datastreams":["DC", "DC_P", "THUMBNAIL", "OCTETS", "AUDIT", "RELS-EXT", "UWMETADATA", "DC_OAI", "STYLESHEET", "TECHINFO"], "dc_creator":["van Wijngaarden, Hilde"], "dc_description":["The digital archiving system of the KB, the e-Depot, stores e-journals of major international publishers automatically and for the long-term. This amounts to a total of over 2 million articles stored today and this is just after the first year that the system has been operational. Two major publishers, Elsevier and Kluwer, deposit their world production of e-journals at the e-Depot. And since they publish mainly in the field of Science, Technology and Medicine, the e-Depot now holds about 20% of everything that is recently published in this field, world-wide. This presentation will explain what lead to this result, how the e-Depot works, what we have agreed with the publishers and what we plan for the future. We call the e-Depot a 'safe place', working towards international co-operation (safe place strategy) and towards certification as a so-called trusted depository."], "dc_description_eng":["The digital archiving system of the KB, the e-Depot, stores e-journals of major international publishers automatically and for the long-term. This amounts to a total of over 2 million articles stored today and this is just after the first year that the system has been operational. Two major publishers, Elsevier and Kluwer, deposit their world production of e-journals at the e-Depot. And since they publish mainly in the field of Science, Technology and Medicine, the e-Depot now holds about 20% of everything that is recently published in this field, world-wide. This presentation will explain what lead to this result, how the e-Depot works, what we have agreed with the publishers and what we plan for the future. We call the e-Depot a 'safe place', working towards international co-operation (safe place strategy) and towards certification as a so-called trusted depository."], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.295001", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:295001"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["Preservation of e-journals at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["Preservation of e-journals at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:20:01.591Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:295001", "resourcetype":"text", "size":681524.0, "title_suggest":["Preservation of e-journals at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "Preservation of e-journals at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "uwm_roles_json":["[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"entities\":[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"firstname\":\"Hilde\",\"lastname\":\"van Wijngaarden\"}],\"role\":\"aut\"}]"], "language":"", "tcreated":["2013-07-09T13:42:29.921Z"], "_version_":1761118713133662208, "ispartof":["o:168770", "o:295028", "o:424738"], "sort_eng_dc_title":"Preservation of e-journals at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "sort_dc_title":"Preservation of e-journals at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "tsize":[681524.0], "tmodified":["2017-03-02T02:20:01.591Z"]}, { "_updated":[1.679533685E9], "bib_roles_pers_aut":["Michael Day"], "cmodel":"PDFDocument", "created":"2013-07-09T13:23:00.508Z", "datastreams":["DC", "DC_P", "THUMBNAIL", "OCTETS", "AUDIT", "RELS-EXT", "UWMETADATA", "DC_OAI", "STYLESHEET", "TECHINFO"], "dc_creator":["Day, Michael"], "dc_description":["In recent years there have been a range of metadata specifications and frameworks developed to support digital preservation activities. These range from formats that are intended to be specific to certain types of resources to generic frameworks based on the information model defined by the Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS). Those specifications that exist have been developed from the perspective of a variety of different professional domains and world-views. The presentation will attempt to define preservation metadata, introduce some of the most important schemas and standards being developed, and outline some of the problems that result from the differing perspectives that inform their development."], "dc_description_eng":["In recent years there have been a range of metadata specifications and frameworks developed to support digital preservation activities. These range from formats that are intended to be specific to certain types of resources to generic frameworks based on the information model defined by the Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS). Those specifications that exist have been developed from the perspective of a variety of different professional domains and world-views. The presentation will attempt to define preservation metadata, introduce some of the most important schemas and standards being developed, and outline some of the problems that result from the differing perspectives that inform their development."], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.294997", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:294997"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["Metadata for preservation: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["Metadata for preservation: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:20:25.811Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:294997", "resourcetype":"text", "size":107675.0, "title_suggest":["Metadata for preservation: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "Metadata for preservation: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "uwm_roles_json":["[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"entities\":[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"firstname\":\"Michael\",\"lastname\":\"Day\"}],\"role\":\"aut\"}]"], "language":"", "tcreated":["2013-07-09T13:23:00.508Z"], "_version_":1761118713590841344, "ispartof":["o:168770", "o:295028", "o:424738"], "sort_eng_dc_title":"Metadata for preservation: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "sort_dc_title":"Metadata for preservation: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "tsize":[107675.0], "tmodified":["2017-03-02T02:20:25.811Z"]}, { "_updated":[1.679533685E9], "bib_roles_pers_aut":["René van Horik"], "cmodel":"PDFDocument", "created":"2013-07-09T13:50:15.052Z", "datastreams":["TECHINFO", "STYLESHEET", "AUDIT", "OCTETS", "UWMETADATA", "DC_OAI", "RELS-EXT", "DC_P", "DC", "THUMBNAIL"], "dc_creator":["van Horik, René"], "dc_description":["x"], "dc_description_eng":["x"], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.295003", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:295003"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["Preservation of Scientific Data in the Humanities: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["Preservation of Scientific Data in the Humanities: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:19:53.572Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:295003", "resourcetype":"text", "size":941403.0, "title_suggest":["Preservation of Scientific Data in the Humanities: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "Preservation of Scientific Data in the Humanities: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "uwm_roles_json":["[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"entities\":[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"firstname\":\"René\",\"lastname\":\"van Horik\"}],\"role\":\"aut\"}]"], "language":"", "tcreated":["2013-07-09T13:50:15.052Z"], "_version_":1761118713343377408, "ispartof":["o:168770", "o:295028", "o:424738"], "sort_eng_dc_title":"Preservation of Scientific Data in the Humanities: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "sort_dc_title":"Preservation of Scientific Data in the Humanities: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "tsize":[941403.0], "tmodified":["2017-03-02T02:19:53.572Z"]}, { "_updated":[1.679533684E9], "bib_roles_pers_aut":["Heike Neuroth"], "cmodel":"PDFDocument", "created":"2013-07-09T13:03:03.194Z", "datastreams":["STYLESHEET", "TECHINFO", "RELS-EXT", "DC_OAI", "UWMETADATA", "OCTETS", "AUDIT", "THUMBNAIL", "DC", "DC_P"], "dc_creator":["Neuroth, Heike "], "dc_description":["x"], "dc_description_eng":["x"], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.294992", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:294992"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["Why Digital Preservation? Needs and Challenges: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["Why Digital Preservation? Needs and Challenges: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:20:42.919Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:294992", "resourcetype":"text", "size":597026.0, "title_suggest":["Why Digital Preservation? Needs and Challenges: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "Why Digital Preservation? Needs and Challenges: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "uwm_roles_json":["[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"entities\":[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"firstname\":\"Heike \",\"lastname\":\"Neuroth\",\"title1\":\"Dr. \"}],\"role\":\"aut\"}]"], "language":"", "tcreated":["2013-07-09T13:03:03.194Z"], "_version_":1761118712724717568, "ispartof":["o:168770", "o:295028", "o:424738"], "sort_eng_dc_title":"Why Digital Preservation? Needs and Challenges: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "sort_dc_title":"Why Digital Preservation? Needs and Challenges: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "tsize":[597026.0], "tmodified":["2017-03-02T02:20:42.919Z"]}, { "_updated":[1.679533256E9], "bib_roles_pers_aut":["Reinhard Altenhöner", "Heike Neuroth"], "cmodel":"PDFDocument", "created":"2013-07-10T07:17:46.950Z", "datastreams":["OCTETS", "AUDIT", "RELS-EXT", "UWMETADATA", "DC_OAI", "STYLESHEET", "TECHINFO", "DC", "DC_P", "THUMBNAIL"], "dc_creator":["Altenhöner, Reinhard", "Neuroth, Heike "], "dc_description":["Electronic publishing is the usual form in the scientific communication: easy to handle, worldwide available and accessible at every time. But digital information objects are in the deep sense of the word much more fragile than traditional paper based information. They can be easily altered, damaged or become unreadable especially in the long run of time. In this situation a special deposit system is necessary, which supports procedures to preserve electronic publications (online and offline) and keeps them accessible through time. To implement such a system, specific standards, technologies, and procedures are needed.\nThe basic standard of a Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System – OAIS describes the situation in principal. The OAIS generic model consists of functional entities with well-defined interfaces and introduces a concept of packages to standardize and interconnect preservable content and metadata.\nWithin this model the building block \"Archival Storage\" is responsible for keeping intact the bitstream of the digital object's preservation master. It may either be the original bitstream or the result of one of several migration procedures in the archive life cycle of the digital object. Whatever strategy will be followed in the future to provide access to the digital content, it will depend on the existence of a bitstream, the integrity and authenticity of which has been kept in order over the years. An OCLC/RLG working group has done groundbreaking work: The report \"Attributes of a Trusted Digital Repository\" has articulated a framework of attributes and responsibilities for trusted, reliable and sustainable digital repositories.\nThe talk focusses on report of the RLG-group and current activities in Germany to handle and standardize the requirements for trusted repositories."], "dc_description_eng":["Electronic publishing is the usual form in the scientific communication: easy to handle, worldwide available and accessible at every time. But digital information objects are in the deep sense of the word much more fragile than traditional paper based information. They can be easily altered, damaged or become unreadable especially in the long run of time. In this situation a special deposit system is necessary, which supports procedures to preserve electronic publications (online and offline) and keeps them accessible through time. To implement such a system, specific standards, technologies, and procedures are needed.\nThe basic standard of a Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System – OAIS describes the situation in principal. The OAIS generic model consists of functional entities with well-defined interfaces and introduces a concept of packages to standardize and interconnect preservable content and metadata.\nWithin this model the building block \"Archival Storage\" is responsible for keeping intact the bitstream of the digital object's preservation master. It may either be the original bitstream or the result of one of several migration procedures in the archive life cycle of the digital object. Whatever strategy will be followed in the future to provide access to the digital content, it will depend on the existence of a bitstream, the integrity and authenticity of which has been kept in order over the years. An OCLC/RLG working group has done groundbreaking work: The report \"Attributes of a Trusted Digital Repository\" has articulated a framework of attributes and responsibilities for trusted, reliable and sustainable digital repositories.\nThe talk focusses on report of the RLG-group and current activities in Germany to handle and standardize the requirements for trusted repositories."], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.295014", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:295014"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["Trusted Digital Repositories, Certification: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["Trusted Digital Repositories, Certification: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:19:21.532Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:295014", "resourcetype":"text", "size":376043.0, "title_suggest":["Trusted Digital Repositories, Certification: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "Trusted Digital Repositories, Certification: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "uwm_roles_json":["[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"entities\":[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"firstname\":\"Reinhard\",\"lastname\":\"Altenhöner\"},{\"data_order\":\"1\",\"firstname\":\"Heike \",\"lastname\":\"Neuroth\",\"title1\":\"Dr.\"}],\"role\":\"aut\"}]"], "language":"", "tcreated":["2013-07-10T07:17:46.950Z"], "_version_":1761118263942578176, "ispartof":["o:168770", "o:295028", "o:424738"], "sort_eng_dc_title":"Trusted Digital Repositories, Certification: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "sort_dc_title":"Trusted Digital Repositories, Certification: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "tsize":[376043.0], "tmodified":["2017-03-02T02:19:21.532Z"]}, { "_updated":[1.679533256E9], "bib_roles_pers_aut":["Andreas Aschenbrenner"], "cmodel":"PDFDocument", "created":"2013-07-10T07:25:06.339Z", "datastreams":["TECHINFO", "STYLESHEET", "DC_OAI", "UWMETADATA", "RELS-EXT", "AUDIT", "OCTETS", "THUMBNAIL", "DC_P", "DC"], "dc_creator":["Aschenbrenner, Andreas"], "dc_description":["Cooperation has always been essential in the digital preservation community regarding knowledge exchange and collaboration in research activities. As initiatives increasingly turn to implementation, cooperation also gains practical significance. Initiatives embark on collaboratively building services that are required by various preservation systems.\nThis presentation addresses file format registries. The preservation community jointly calls for a register that identifies and documents file formats, to come to terms with the myriad of different file formats. Activities towards building a file format registry are emerging, as already some preservation initiatives rely on such a future service in their current approaches."], "dc_description_eng":["Cooperation has always been essential in the digital preservation community regarding knowledge exchange and collaboration in research activities. As initiatives increasingly turn to implementation, cooperation also gains practical significance. Initiatives embark on collaboratively building services that are required by various preservation systems.\nThis presentation addresses file format registries. The preservation community jointly calls for a register that identifies and documents file formats, to come to terms with the myriad of different file formats. Activities towards building a file format registry are emerging, as already some preservation initiatives rely on such a future service in their current approaches."], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.295015", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:295015"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["File format registries - a global infrastructure for local persistence: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["File format registries - a global infrastructure for local persistence: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:19:17.468Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:295015", "resourcetype":"text", "size":242580.0, "title_suggest":["File format registries - 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Seen from the author's or the user's perspective, however, those attributes are sufficient to ensure permanent access to the electronic publication? The usual experience with the Internet promises not a sufficient result: URLs don't offer a mechanism that allows internet based publications to be identified unequivocally and being traceable at anytime. One solution to that situation is being provided by Persistent Identifiers such as Uniform Resource Names (URN), whose implementation Die Deutsche Bibliothek consolidates within the scope of the project EPICUR.\nAn implementation in local contexts cannot provide the persistency of that addressing scheme on its own. For example, if an institution ceases the maintenance and provision of a digital collection, their references – even when applied by a persistent adressing scheme – would equally be volatile as in case of URLs. To ensure a long-term usability of a permanent addressing scheme such as URN, it is necessary tocreate an infrastructure with an institutional backup.\nThe talk focusses on a general description of the Persistent Identifier activities worldwide and on productive implementations. Based on the EPICUR project in Die Deutsche Bibliothek, a prospect on continuative activities will be given."], "dc_description_eng":["The electronic publishing process implies in generell certain attributes: \"fast, cost-saving, worldwide acessible\". Seen from the author's or the user's perspective, however, those attributes are sufficient to ensure permanent access to the electronic publication? The usual experience with the Internet promises not a sufficient result: URLs don't offer a mechanism that allows internet based publications to be identified unequivocally and being traceable at anytime. One solution to that situation is being provided by Persistent Identifiers such as Uniform Resource Names (URN), whose implementation Die Deutsche Bibliothek consolidates within the scope of the project EPICUR.\nAn implementation in local contexts cannot provide the persistency of that addressing scheme on its own. For example, if an institution ceases the maintenance and provision of a digital collection, their references – even when applied by a persistent adressing scheme – would equally be volatile as in case of URLs. To ensure a long-term usability of a permanent addressing scheme such as URN, it is necessary tocreate an infrastructure with an institutional backup.\nThe talk focusses on a general description of the Persistent Identifier activities worldwide and on productive implementations. Based on the EPICUR project in Die Deutsche Bibliothek, a prospect on continuative activities will be given."], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.295016", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:295016"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["Persistent Identifiers: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["Persistent Identifiers: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:19:13.393Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:295016", "resourcetype":"text", "size":3362738.0, "title_suggest":["Persistent Identifiers: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "Persistent Identifiers: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "uwm_roles_json":["[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"entities\":[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"firstname\":\"Reinhard\",\"lastname\":\"Altenhöner\"}],\"role\":\"aut\"}]"], "language":"", "tcreated":["2013-07-10T07:29:11.475Z"], "_version_":1761118262559506432, "ispartof":["o:168770", "o:295028", "o:424738"], "sort_eng_dc_title":"Persistent Identifiers: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "sort_dc_title":"Persistent Identifiers: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "tsize":[3362738.0], "tmodified":["2017-03-02T02:19:13.393Z"]}, { "_updated":[1.679533255E9], "bib_roles_pers_aut":["Thomas Severiens"], "cmodel":"PDFDocument", "created":"2013-07-10T07:08:13.224Z", "datastreams":["RELS-EXT", "DC_OAI", "UWMETADATA", "OCTETS", "AUDIT", "STYLESHEET", "TECHINFO", "THUMBNAIL", "DC", "DC_P"], "dc_creator":["Severiens, Thomas"], "dc_description":["Should we preserve everything or only a selection of the available information? This is the question which will be illuminated from different point of view within this talk. Institutions all around the world are developing strategies and policies for preservation. Many developments are done in parallel redundantly, some are still open. This talk will give a brief overview of the activities (in selection) and the solutions they developed or the state of discussion process. This overview is part of the project \"nestor\" http://www.langzeitarchivierung.de/index.php?newlang=eng supported by the Germany Ministry for Education and Research."], "dc_description_eng":["Should we preserve everything or only a selection of the available information? This is the question which will be illuminated from different point of view within this talk. Institutions all around the world are developing strategies and policies for preservation. Many developments are done in parallel redundantly, some are still open. This talk will give a brief overview of the activities (in selection) and the solutions they developed or the state of discussion process. This overview is part of the project \"nestor\" http://www.langzeitarchivierung.de/index.php?newlang=eng supported by the Germany Ministry for Education and Research."], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.295013", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:295013"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["Preservation Planning, Institutional Strategies and Policies: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["Preservation Planning, Institutional Strategies and Policies: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:19:25.498Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:295013", "resourcetype":"text", "size":721395.0, "title_suggest":["Preservation Planning, Institutional Strategies and Policies: Presentation - 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They are destined to become essential part of the information infrastructure in the 21st century. The DELOS network intends to conduct a joint program of activities aimed at integrating and coordinating the ongoing research activities of the major European teams working in DL-related areas with the goal of developing the next generation DL technologies.\nThis talk will provide an overview of the seven Research Clusters within the DELOS Network, with a specific focus on activities of the DELOS Preservation Cluster."], "dc_description_eng":["Digital Libraries (DL) have been made possible through the integration and use of a number of IC technologies, the availability of digital content on a global scale and a strong demand for users who are now online. They are destined to become essential part of the information infrastructure in the 21st century. The DELOS network intends to conduct a joint program of activities aimed at integrating and coordinating the ongoing research activities of the major European teams working in DL-related areas with the goal of developing the next generation DL technologies.\nThis talk will provide an overview of the seven Research Clusters within the DELOS Network, with a specific focus on activities of the DELOS Preservation Cluster."], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.295011", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:295011"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["DELOS: Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries, with a focus on the Preservation Cluster: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["DELOS: Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries, with a focus on the Preservation Cluster: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:19:33.197Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:295011", "resourcetype":"text", "size":62524.0, "title_suggest":["DELOS: Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries, with a focus on the Preservation Cluster: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "DELOS: Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries, with a focus on the Preservation Cluster: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "uwm_roles_json":["[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"entities\":[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"firstname\":\"Andreas\",\"lastname\":\"Rauber\"}],\"role\":\"aut\"}]"], "language":"", "tcreated":["2013-07-10T07:01:08.622Z"], "_version_":1761118263680434176, "ispartof":["o:168770", "o:295028", "o:424738"], "sort_eng_dc_title":"DELOS: Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries, with a focus on the Preservation Cluster: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "sort_dc_title":"DELOS: Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries, with a focus on the Preservation Cluster: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "tsize":[62524.0], "tmodified":["2017-03-02T02:19:33.197Z"]}, { "_updated":[1.679533252E9], "bib_roles_pers_aut":["Michael Day"], "cmodel":"PDFDocument", "created":"2013-07-10T06:38:30.600Z", "datastreams":["TECHINFO", "STYLESHEET", "AUDIT", "OCTETS", "UWMETADATA", "DC_OAI", "RELS-EXT", "DC_P", "DC", "THUMBNAIL"], "dc_creator":["Day, Michael"], "dc_description":["The OAIS Reference Model (ISO 14721:2003) is an important part of the current digital preservation landscape. Initially developed by the Consultative Committee on Space Data Systems, the OAIS establishes a common framework of terms and concepts, identifies the basic functions of an archival system, and provides an information model for managing digital objects and information packages. The OAIS information model has proved to be extremely influential on the development of preservation metadata schemas. While the OAIS Reference Model does NOT specify any implementation, it has informed the implementation of some preservation systems, including the National Library of the Netherlands deposit system. This presentation will provide an introduction to the OAIS Reference Model and highlight some recent implementations that have been informed by it."], "dc_description_eng":["The OAIS Reference Model (ISO 14721:2003) is an important part of the current digital preservation landscape. Initially developed by the Consultative Committee on Space Data Systems, the OAIS establishes a common framework of terms and concepts, identifies the basic functions of an archival system, and provides an information model for managing digital objects and information packages. The OAIS information model has proved to be extremely influential on the development of preservation metadata schemas. While the OAIS Reference Model does NOT specify any implementation, it has informed the implementation of some preservation systems, including the National Library of the Netherlands deposit system. This presentation will provide an introduction to the OAIS Reference Model and highlight some recent implementations that have been informed by it."], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.295008", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:295008"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["The OAIS Reference Model: current implementations: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["The OAIS Reference Model: current implementations: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:19:45.534Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:295008", "resourcetype":"text", "size":106741.0, "title_suggest":["The OAIS Reference Model: current implementations: Presentation - 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iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["Preservation Strategy Proposals for Licensed Resources of CSDL: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:19:37.392Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:295010", "resourcetype":"text", "size":152053.0, "title_suggest":["Preservation Strategy Proposals for Licensed Resources of CSDL: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "Preservation Strategy Proposals for Licensed Resources of CSDL: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "uwm_roles_json":["[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"entities\":[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"firstname\":\"Zhang\",\"lastname\":\"Xiaolin\"},{\"data_order\":\"1\",\"firstname\":\"Wan\",\"lastname\":\"Ling\"}],\"role\":\"aut\"}]"], "language":"", "tcreated":["2013-07-10T06:51:21.040Z"], "_version_":1761118259515490304, "ispartof":["o:168770", "o:295028", "o:424738"], "sort_eng_dc_title":"Preservation Strategy Proposals for Licensed Resources of CSDL: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "sort_dc_title":"Preservation Strategy Proposals for Licensed Resources of CSDL: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "tsize":[152053.0], "tmodified":["2017-03-02T02:19:37.392Z"]}, { "_updated":[1.679533252E9], "bib_roles_pers_aut":["Wang Zhigeng"], "cmodel":"PDFDocument", "created":"2013-07-10T06:43:19.763Z", "datastreams":["RELS-EXT", "DC_OAI", "UWMETADATA", "OCTETS", "AUDIT", "STYLESHEET", "TECHINFO", "THUMBNAIL", "DC", "DC_P"], "dc_creator":["Zhigeng, Wang "], "dc_description":["x"], "dc_description_eng":["x"], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.295009", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:295009"], "dc_language":["eng", "zho"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["Web Information Preservation at National Library of China: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["Web Information Preservation at National Library of China: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:19:41.503Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:295009", "resourcetype":"text", "size":464355.0, "title_suggest":["Web Information Preservation at National Library of China: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "Web Information Preservation at National Library of China: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "uwm_roles_json":["[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"entities\":[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"firstname\":\"Wang \",\"lastname\":\"Zhigeng\"}],\"role\":\"aut\"}]"], "language":"", "tcreated":["2013-07-10T06:43:19.763Z"], "_version_":1761118259313115136, "ispartof":["o:168770", "o:295028", "o:424738"], "sort_eng_dc_title":"Web Information Preservation at National Library of China: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "sort_dc_title":"Web Information Preservation at National Library of China: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "tsize":[464355.0], "tmodified":["2017-03-02T02:19:41.503Z"]}, { "_updated":[1.679533259E9], "bib_roles_pers_aut":["Monika Segbert"], "cmodel":"PDFDocument", "created":"2013-07-10T08:11:19.385Z", "datastreams":["DC", "DC_P", "THUMBNAIL", "STYLESHEET", "TECHINFO", "OCTETS", "AUDIT", "RELS-EXT", "UWMETADATA", "DC_OAI"], "dc_creator":["Segbert, Monika"], "dc_description":["x"], "dc_description_eng":["x"], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.295027", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:295027"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["The European Union: Programmes for EU-China Cooperation in ICT: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["The European Union: Programmes for EU-China Cooperation in ICT: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:18:29.806Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:295027", "resourcetype":"text", "size":70787.0, "title_suggest":["The European Union: Programmes for EU-China Cooperation in ICT: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "The European Union: Programmes for EU-China Cooperation in ICT: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "uwm_roles_json":["[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"entities\":[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"firstname\":\"Monika\",\"lastname\":\"Segbert\"}],\"role\":\"aut\"}]"], "language":"", "tcreated":["2013-07-10T08:11:19.385Z"], "_version_":1761118267137589248, "ispartof":["o:168770", "o:295028", "o:424738"], "sort_eng_dc_title":"The European Union: Programmes for EU-China Cooperation in ICT: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "sort_dc_title":"The European Union: Programmes for EU-China Cooperation in ICT: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "tsize":[70787.0], "tmodified":["2017-03-02T02:18:29.806Z"]}, { "_updated":[1.679533252E9], "bib_roles_pers_aut":["Andreas Rauber", "Carl Rauch"], "cmodel":"PDFDocument", "created":"2013-07-10T06:28:56.677Z", "datastreams":["TECHINFO", "STYLESHEET", "AUDIT", "OCTETS", "UWMETADATA", "DC_OAI", "RELS-EXT", "DC_P", "DC", "THUMBNAIL"], "dc_creator":["Rauber, Andreas", "Rauch, Carl"], "dc_description":["Long-term preservation solutions become critical as an increasing amount of information is being digitized or directly created and thus existing only in electronic form. While different approaches, such as Emulation, Migration, or Computer Museums, are being proposed as solutions to this challenge, neither of them excels in all circumstances. Selection of the most appropriate strategy and tools becomes a non-trivial task.\nIn this talk we present an adapted version of Utility Analysis, which can be applied to selecting the optimal preservation solution for each individual situation. This analysis method, which is usually applied in infrastructure projects, such as highways, airports, or city district development, is here used to combine the wide range of requirements, which are to be considered in order to select a suitable preservation strategy. Additionally, we present a framework for identifying and defining the criteria influencing the choice of a particular preservation solution, such as a specific migration tool. The evaluation metric is explained theoretically and demonstrated via case-studies performed for different application domains."], "dc_description_eng":["Long-term preservation solutions become critical as an increasing amount of information is being digitized or directly created and thus existing only in electronic form. While different approaches, such as Emulation, Migration, or Computer Museums, are being proposed as solutions to this challenge, neither of them excels in all circumstances. Selection of the most appropriate strategy and tools becomes a non-trivial task.\nIn this talk we present an adapted version of Utility Analysis, which can be applied to selecting the optimal preservation solution for each individual situation. This analysis method, which is usually applied in infrastructure projects, such as highways, airports, or city district development, is here used to combine the wide range of requirements, which are to be considered in order to select a suitable preservation strategy. Additionally, we present a framework for identifying and defining the criteria influencing the choice of a particular preservation solution, such as a specific migration tool. The evaluation metric is explained theoretically and demonstrated via case-studies performed for different application domains."], "dc_format":["application/pdf"], "dc_identifier":["hdl:11353/10.295007", "https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:295007"], "dc_language":["eng"], "dc_rights":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_license":["CC BY-SA 3.0 AT", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"], "dc_subject_eng":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "keyword_suggest":["iPRES, Beijing", "Conferences -- iPRES Conference (001000) -- Conference 2004 (000998)"], "dc_title":["Using Utility Analysis to Evaluate and Compare Preservation Strategies: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_title_eng":["Using Utility Analysis to Evaluate and Compare Preservation Strategies: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "dc_type_eng":["Text"], "modified":"2017-03-02T02:19:49.670Z", "owner":"kellerc2", "pid":"o:295007", "resourcetype":"text", "size":188207.0, "title_suggest":["Using Utility Analysis to Evaluate and Compare Preservation Strategies: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "Using Utility Analysis to Evaluate and Compare Preservation Strategies: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing"], "uwm_roles_json":["[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"entities\":[{\"data_order\":\"0\",\"firstname\":\"Andreas\",\"lastname\":\"Rauber\"},{\"data_order\":\"1\",\"firstname\":\"Carl\",\"lastname\":\"Rauch\"}],\"role\":\"aut\"}]"], "language":"", "tcreated":["2013-07-10T06:28:56.677Z"], "_version_":1761118260003078144, "ispartof":["o:168770", "o:295028", "o:424738"], "sort_eng_dc_title":"Using Utility Analysis to Evaluate and Compare Preservation Strategies: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "sort_dc_title":"Using Utility Analysis to Evaluate and Compare Preservation Strategies: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing", "tsize":[188207.0], "tmodified":["2017-03-02T02:19:49.670Z"]}] }}